LOCAL Business Network
When talking about 'local' sometimes we don't truly go 'local' enough. Many times, it's confined to the city, or county, or region, but for anyone who's ever spent time in a town or city, we all know you can't just say: "....that great pizza shop is located in San Francisco," or "... just head into Boston, that's where you'll find the Steak Restaurant" and just leave it at that. Every area has different monikers. That why we've been tinkering with our 'city pages'.
Below is a city listing for Youngstown, OH:
If you click the 'Neighborhood' drop down tab next to the Search button - you'll be able to search by neighborhoods and specific areas. See below:
Here's one for San Francisco:
With greater 'local' features, MerchantCircle members will have more venues to reach out to their local community. Coupons, blogs and other merchant content are on all 'neighborhood' pages. Make sure you take advantage of all of MerchantCircle's free tools!
Kevin L.
Community Relations
Labels: Community, local business network, Merchant Circle, MerchantCircle, neighborhood pages
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