Giving a Voice to 500,000 Merchants
A little more than a week after our 2 Year Anniversary, it's an honor for me to announce the passing of 500,000 merchants. While we've been the largest online network of local business owners for some time, it means more to us at MerchantCircle that our business owners across America are finding new customers and able to connect with merchants everywhere.
In June 2006, when we launched, we were committed to listening to what our merchants wanted and needed in an online business network to find new customers. Two years later? Absolutely nothing has changed. We listen to our merchants, just like merchants listen and help out each other in our MerchantCircle Forum. We've continued to add new functionality and features that makes merchant life easier.
While we've often spoken out about 'giving a voice' to local merchants on the web to 'fight back' against big box retailers, we should also make note that that 'voice' is now 500,000 strong and growing. Another common theme throughout the last two years has been that of the Yellow Pages and their long, fixed-term contracts, and expensive costs. I would have to say after these two posts (here and here), many merchants agree. No other blog posts drew as much discussion on our comment board than posts about the relevance of Yellow Pages.
One of the themes we encountered in our ongoing campaign of interviewing merchants in all 50 states, is that the Yellow Pages were inneffective and expensive. Don't get me wrong, we have some merchants who are still finding customers through print, but the majority are fed up. Our discussions with merchants on the phone and through surveys led us to come up with a portfolio of various online advertising products that fits every merchant's needs. As an early indicator, just six months after launch, we went from 500 paying merchants in late December to 5,000 by June.
You can read what our merchants in every state are saying by clicking here. It's been an exciting two years, filled with lots of announcements, and you can count on many more to come. The best part of those announcements? Our merchants and their 'voice' will be a part of them every step of the way.
Ben Smith
Chairman and Co-Founder, MerchantCircle
P.S. The pictures above are who we're about.
Labels: Merchant Circle, Merchant Forum, MerchantCircle, online business network, Yellow Pages
The Merchant Circle concept, as well as the current infrastructure, has been an incredible addition to the CharterRide USA marketing strategy. Without question, the ability to be able to tap on the synergy that is created by the business community with a common goal, has propelled us into new markets. We have experienced increased sales volume, as well as increased search engine exposure simply by doing what the "gurus" at Merchant Circle recommend.
We are very pleased with the results and are striving to increase our own network of merchants on a daily basis.
Charter Ride USA (877) 877-729-0956 is a national marketing organization specializing in the charter of motor coaches and charter buses.
Merchant Circle...keep up the great work!
I was amazed at the quality of merchants we were able to trade links with during our initial signup. Within moments we were able to track, measure, analyze the "numbers" of our link partners and marketing campaigns.
I am so please with this network that I had recommended it via our weekly newsletters with great confidence to numerous members of our dating network that has business of their own. Keep up the excellent work merchant Circle (You're making our Network look great ! ! !)
Leslie Stewart
Marketing Director
Mediaking Group
Dear MC Team ...
Not one other place on the internet has the "look and feel" of Merchant Circle! Your unique, stand alone format is truly off the beaten path.
Since I opened my account, I've been contacted by local merchants wanting to stay connected with me, share business tools, ideas, and resources, and build solid relationships.
I really appreciate the ability and the freedom to incorporate blogging into my business building activities at Merchant Circle.
The future is looking brighter thanks to you,
~Melanie Kissell
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