Merchants Create Content + Consumers Create Profiles = Everybody Wins!
The amount of deals and coupons that MerchantCircle members create every single day far exceeds any other network, with more than 930,000 members dispersed in every state and almost every county in the U.S., consumers stand to benefit the most. Currently, more than 20 million consumers a month visit MerchantCircle listings. Those that create Neighbors Profiles get the benefit of following their favorite merchants and seeing all the latest LOCAL deals in real time, you'll also see any good LOCAL deals you've missed in a weekly newsletter!
Below is a sample of what you'd get in your inbox.
For merchants, this is added incentive to keep your deals fresh by creating new coupons and/or sales and promotions each week. You can create coupons here or start a sale here or create a promotion here. Consumers will also get the latest business reviews and uploaded pictures - so, don't forget to keep your listing up-to-date!
As a consumer, be sure to join the neighborhood and create a Neighbors profile today here!
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Labels: consumers, coupons, deals, Merchant Circle, MerchantCircle,, Neighbors, promotions
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