MerchantCircle Sponsors MMA Fighter Trish Burnside, Supports Martial Arts
MerchantCircle recently began sponsoring an up-and-coming martial arts fighter. Trish Burnside handily defeated her more experienced opponent in her first professional fight, and looks to gain a few more fights under her belt in Muay Thai before moving into Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in 2010. Currently, Trish trains with renowned martial artist Cung Le.
You may think it's odd that MerchantCircle is sponsoring a fighter, but we actually have a long history of amazing Martial Arts studios that promote themselves through MerchantCircle. In fact our showcase merchant for the state of Massachusetts is Maury's Kung Fu in Worcester.
Another great martial arts business to check out is Tomaso's Martial Arts Academy in Fairhope, AL. Be sure to ask for Mike, if you ever stop by.
Good luck, Trish. We wish you the best of luck. Below (top) are snippets from her dominating performance. The bottom video is entire fight.
Community Relations
Labels: Cung Le, Maury's Kung Fu, Merchant Circle, MerchantCircle,, Mixed Martial Arts, MMA, Muay Thai, Tomaso's Martial Arts Academy, Trish Burnside
Way to go! I love martial arts. Glad to see MC is supporting a great sport! By the way merchantcircle has done wonders for our gold party company thanks very much!
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