Who's a Critic?
We're all critics.... We learned it first from our mommas, when they told us not to spit out our food as toddlers, keep our elbows off tables as kids, not to beat up our teachers as teens, or not to be home past midnight as adults. (What?!?! You guys don't live at home with your parents? Well that's another story.)
Our life of criticism and analysis has become more and more outbound. It use to be, you kept your thoughts in or shared them with friends and family. Now it's, 'I have a forum on the web.' Whether it's Myspace, Youtube or practically anywhere on the web, we're learning to be more extroverted.
We've written in the past about this wealth of outside critiques, particularly in the realm of business reviews - on our site and in general. Check out this blog post from Greg Sterling about what one business owner decided to do about a business review site, and then opened up a Pandora's Box of online dialogue - much of it, very funny.
This points us back to MerchantCircle. We remain firmly committed to ensuring business owners can engage with their customers and potential customers online - and we don't charge you for doing this. Check out the blog post and let us know what you think.
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Labels: Greg Sterling, Merchant Circle, MerchantCircle, Online Reviews
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