Local Online Week-in-Review. (The news you might have missed!)
We know you always mean to read everything that pops into your Bloglines feed, your Twitter page, and your email inbox. But just in case your week got crazy, we've got you covered.
Groupon's dicey Superbowl ad dominated the post-game conversation, and not everyone agrees that it was a misstep. What's your take on their risky approach?
Here's a quick snapshot of the news that made headlines this week in the local landscape.
Groupon's Superbowl Ad Quickly Draws Backlash (WSJ)
"It’s not clear yet whether Groupon sought controversy for its Super Bowl commercial to gain publicity, but either way the venture capital-backed daily deal site sure got it. Immediately after one of its three commercials ran during Fox’s second-half coverage of Super Bowl XLV, hundreds of people took to Twitter to air their displeasure with the ad." Read more.
Groupon Win? Why They Knew Exactly What They Were Doing With The “Tibet” Ad (Social Times)
"With the ads, we have seen the best and worst that social media has to offer. At its peak, the online realm fosters debate, promotes curiosity, and gets people thinking outside their comfort zone. The Groupon videos are being talked about on Facebook and Twitter, embedded on blogs and forwarded through email, as well they should." Read more.
Google Gets Heavy-Handed In Local Search (Small Biz Trends)
"It’s been hard not to notice the very calculated steps that Google has been taking over the past few months as it’s geared up its local and mobile properties, slowing trying to push everyone else out of its way. Well, unless you haven’t been watching. If not, here’s what you missed." Read more.
Google Local Search Strategy Needs Marketing Muscle (eWeek GoogleWatch)
"While Google has a veritable gold mine of mobile, local and social technology, what it lacks is the marketing oomph to make others aware of it." Read more.
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