Looking Fabulous!
In a day and age where your online storefront is just as important as your offline - image is still everything and words are paramount. Whether someone raves about your business to their friend on the streets of Main Street, or writes an online review, they're both equally important in helping you gain the trust of new customers.
As more and more people turn to the internet to search for their goods and services and not the Yellow Pages - it's important to make sure your satisfied customers leave you reviews online. More than 77% of online shoppers use reviews and ratings when purchasing.
Take your own shopping habits. We're all more likely to purchase or seek out a service that's been proven and tested by a friend or colleague. For the sake of your business success, make sure your valued customers are leaving you reviews online. Go to your MerchantCircle Dashboard, and you can upload customer emails to send them deals and to encourage them to leave you reviews.
Kevin L.
Community Relations
Labels: Merchant Circle, MerchantCircle, Online Reviews
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