Gidget Mania!..... or was it Widget?
I am constantly amazed at the savvy of small business owners across the country. I'm also constantly amazed at my lack of web understanding. Since we added our new features, I now have an increased vocabulary for web terms. For instance, Widget - not to be confused with Gidget, is a web code that you can use to put something on a web page, for instance a logo, or reviews from MerchantCircle for that matter.
Take for instance Urban Sports in San Jose, CA. Their website can be found at Check out their page and take a look at how they included reviews they got on their MerchantCircle page. That's a widget! The reviews link to their MerchantCircle page, which search engines love....
Urban Sports isn't the only one to join the Widget bandwagon.
- (although you may have to get parental permission to visit this site)
Go to your Merchant Dashboard where we've included the code you need to post your MerchantCircle Widgets anywhere.
Go Widgets! (Did that sound as dorky as it reads?)
Community Relations
Labels: Merchant Circle, MerchantCircle, Small Business, widget
Kevin, I blog about widgets on a daily basis. I started reviewing them in 2004 and created sort of a collection place for links to sites that offer widgets. I am having a blast!
Thanks for writing about widgets.
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